Eyebrow Tattoos - How to Make Sure This Is the Right Design For You!
Eyebrow tattoo designs are not that popular, but they can be great looking and can really accent your eyes. They are also very discreet and do not draw too much attention to your face. The best thing about an eyebrow tattoo is that it can really stand out and make a statement without you having to say anything. There are so many different styles that you could get, but I would recommend a design that is unusual. Something like a wolf or even a flower would make a great looking design. A lot of women get eyebrow tattoo designs and I have seen more women with a wolf design than any other. If you want to take it up a notch, you could do wolf ears on the side or even a single bony wolf. You could also get a tribal style tattoo on your eyebrow, this is something that can be quite a bit more intricate and will cost more than just a regular tattoo. Another option for an eyebrow tattoo is to get colored in, this will really stand out and it can be more colorful than a regular tattoo. Colored...